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Nothing contained in this site or any of Martuch at Law, PLLC's social website, social media pages, audio or video recordings, blog, or advertisements either separately produced or in connection therewith, regardless of the manner, method, or form presented creates an attorney-client relationship or legal advice. An attorney-client relationship shall only form by a written Client Engagement Agreement in a form provided and signed by Martuch at Law, PLLC. Legal references, citations, conclusions, analysis, opinions, statements, and similar content are based on Oklahoma law unless otherwise stated and might not apply to all jurisdictions. Web-content, regardless of form, directly or indirectly associated with Martuch at Law, PLLC might not reflect the most current legal developments or laws in effect. The content and interpretation of the law addressed herein are subject to revision. You should consult with a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction for legal advice and up-to-date legal information. Martuch at Law, PLLC explicitly disclaims liability for acts, inaction, or omissions based on the foregoing by or associated therewith, including direct and indirect links and third party recipients, in whole or part to the fullest extent permitted by law.
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Martuch at Law, PLLC makes material available on the internet through various websites and platforms that are intended to advertise legal services in the State of Oklahoma. However, nothing shall guarantee the rendering of legal services or results thereof. Any rates, prices, quotes, are generalized estimates only and make no guarantees or representations regarding the actual costs of service unless stated in a written and signed Client Engagement Agreement in a form provided by Martuch at Law, PLLC. Martuch at Law, PLLC reserves the right to deny or refuse legal services to any person or entity at its sole discretion.